• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

EU Scientific Council is formed according to EU Charter and the Regulation of Scientific Council. The Scientific Council of EU is a governing body that coordinates and regulates educational, scientific and technical activities headed by the Rector of the University.

The Scientific Council of EU approves its regulations in the framework of quantities approved by the Rector on the paid basis: the admission places according to the specialties, discusses the names of specialties and specializations, approves the curriculum according to the specialties, determines the requirements of graduates‟ Final Attestation according to the academic programs, approves the procedure of the University’s admission, approves the list of the teaching staff, organizes the competitive selection of candidates for vacancies, approves the procedure for the selection of the Dean and Head of the chair of EU‟s faculty, discusses the main and perspective directions of the University’s scientific activity, discusses the strategic plans of the University by the approval of the Board of Trustees, presents suggestions on establishing institutions, branches, representations, departments, faculties, chairs and other structural subdivisions, defines and confers honorary titles, awards and nominal scholarships of European University, presents candidates for scientific titles, national and international prizes and awards, affirms the procedures of structural subdivisions and branches, discusses annual reports and activities of the branches, discusses the orientation of foreign relations and international cooperation programs, implements other powers related to the organization of EU curriculum and research activities arising out of EU Charter. 20% of staff of the Scientific Council is students.